Adult Neurology Residency

Adult Neurology Residency

Mandatory Administrative Conferences

  1. Resident Wellness and Administrative Meeting occurs on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every month at noon. This is a meeting between the residents, the program director, and some of the associate program directors to discuss issues and concerns within the program.

Residents are encouraged in this venue to raise ideas and concerns related to well-being (work hours, fatigue/burnout), clinical operations, and the educational curriculum. This is also a venue for program leadership to make announcements regarding new or updated departmental policies/procedures or educational opportunities and to solicit feedback regarding proposed program changes.

  1. Systems of Care Conference occurs quarterly as part of the Monday lecture series. This is a conference to discuss cases with a focus on the impact of the overall health care system on the care of the patient. To some extent, this incorporates a traditional ‘morbidity and mortality’ (M & M) conference, but with the specific purpose of examining the many systemic factors that may contribute to a favorable or unfavorable outcome rather than to single out any one trainee for rebuke. In general, cases are selected and prepared for conference by Dr. Justin Sattin, though residents are welcome to contact Dr. Sattin to bring cases or concerns to discuss at this conference.


Latest revision: 11-09-2023

Natalie Wheeler, MD, JD