Adult Neurology Residency

Adult Neurology Residency

Non-Mandatory Conferences

There are several case-based working conferences in which faculty discuss challenging cases in which diagnosis or management is unclear. Residents are welcome to attend, but attendance is entirely optional. Examples of these conferences include:

  • MS and Neuroimmunology Case Conference (variable, often Fridays at 2:30 pm, location varies)
  • Stroke Case Conference (Every Friday at noon)
  • Epilepsy Case Conference (Fridays at 12:00PM)
  • Pediatric Epilepsy Case Conference (Thursdays at 12:00 pm in AFCH)
  • Brain Cutting (Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1:45 pm)

Specific dates and times for these non-mandatory working or case-based conferences will be included in MedHub and in the weekly lecture reminder emails.


Latest revision: 10-25-2023

Natalie Wheeler, MD, JD