General Neurology Outpatient

Introduction and Goals

This clinical elective for senior residents is based predominantly at the 20 S. Park Neurology clinic and includes both clinic and electrodiagnostic procedures. The goal of this rotation is to provide residents who may have interest in exploring a general neurology private practice some exposure to a less hyper-specialized clinic environment that more closely approximates a general private practice clinic.

Objectives and Evaluation Matrix

As with all of the individual neurology rotations described in this section, the specific objectives of the continuity clinic are reflected in the entrustable professional activities and individual milestones listed below. These form the basis for the resident’s evaluation. (Please see the section End-of-Rotation Evaluations above for the list of milestone abbreviations).

Rotation Objectives
Upon completion of the curriculum, residents will . . .
1Evaluate undifferentiated neurological patients, formulate their cases, and propose appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic plansPC1, PC2, PC3, PC4, MK1, MK2
2Evaluate and manage patients with uncomplicated headache disorders, such as migrainePC1, PC2, PC3, PC4, MK1, MK2
3Evaluate and manage patients with uncomplicated movement disorders, such as Parkinson’s diseasePC1, PC2, PC3, PC4, MK1, MK2
4Evaluate and manage patients with a first seizure or uncomplicated epilepsyPC1, PC2, PC3, PC4, PC9, MK1, MK2
5Evaluate and manage patients with uncomplicated MSPC1, PC2, PC3, PC4, PC8, MK1, MK2
6Evaluate and manage patients with uncomplicated neuromuscular conditions, such as lumbar radiculopathyPC1, PC2, PC3, PC4, MK1, MK2
7Describe the indications for, and the basic principles of, NCS and EMGPC10, MK2
8Clearly document and place orders in Health Link, and follow up on the results of tests as appropriateSP4, IC4
Please grade the resident on any of the following milestones you were able to evaluate during this rotation:
PC12, PL1, PR1, PR2, IC1, IC2, IC3


This rotation consists of 1-2 weeks of clinics and may be repeated. Below is an example schedule, subject to change depending on attending availability. In order to be scheduled for EMG clinics, the resident must have completed at least one month of Neuromuscular rotation.

An individualized schedule for the rotation will be emailed to the resident before the beginning of each rotation.

AM20 S Park 20 S Park20 S ParkSelf Study20 S Park
PM20 S Park20 S Park 20 S ParkContinuity ClinicSelf Study


Suggested References

Daroff, R. B., & Bradley, W. G. (2012). Bradley’s neurology in clinical practice. Philadelphia, Pa.: Elsevier/Saunders.

Brazis, P. W., Masdeu, J. C., & Biller, J. (2007). Localization in clinical neurology. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Patten, J. (1996). Neurological differential diagnosis. London; New York: Springer.

Victor  1920-2001, M., Ropper, A. H., & Adams  1911-2008, R. D. (Raymond D. (n.d.). Principles of neurology. New York: McGraw-Hill, Health Professions Division.

Latest revision: 05-14-2021