Adult Neurology Residency

Adult Neurology Residency


Introduction and Goals

An understanding of the pathologic basis of neurologic diseases is essential for understanding the clinical manifestations of disease, as well as the potential mechanisms of treatment. The goals of this senior resident elective are for the resident to become familiar with:

  • The gross anatomy and histology of the nervous system
  • Gross and microscopic pathology findings in neurologic diseases
  • Modern diagnostic pathology techniques including special stains and studies

Objectives and Evaluation Matrix

As with all of the neurology rotations, the specific objectives are reflected in the entrustable professional activities and individual milestones listed below. These form the basis for the end-of-rotation evaluation. (Please see the section End-of-Rotation Evaluations above for the list of milestone abbreviations).

Rotation Objectives
Upon completion of the curriculum, residents will . . .
1Participate in at least one brain extractionMK1
2Participate in brain cuttingMK1
3Describe the staging criteria for Alzheimer’s diseaseMK2
4Describe and visually distinguish the major categories of CNS and PNS neoplasiaMK2
5Participate in surgical case evaluationsPC3, PC4, MK1, MK2, SP3, SP4, PR1, IC3, IC4
6Describe the components of a neuropathological reportSP4, IC3, IC4
7Explain the clinical and therapeutic implications of neuropathological diagnosesPC3, PC4
8Complete all clinical-pathologic casesMK1, MK2, PR2
9Complete at least half of the museum casesMK1, MK2, PR2
Please grade the resident on any of the following milestones you were able to evaluate during this rotation:


The resident will be present in the pathology suite Monday through Friday 8:00AM to 4:00 PM. The resident will attend brain cutting on Monday and Thursday afternoons, and participate in daily sign out rounds. During free time, he or she will review the CPC cases and museum cases housed in the pathology department. The resident will attend the neuromuscular case conference on Tuesday afternoons, and attend all regularly scheduled neurology residency conferences. 

Work Hours

 The estimated average number of work hours per week is 50. There are no call responsibilities required during this rotation.


Suggested References

Ellison, D. (2013). Neuropathology : a reference text of CNS pathology. Edinburgh; New York: Mosby.

Gray, F., Duyckaerts, C., De Girolami, U., Escourolle, R., & Gray, F. (2014). Escourolle & Poirier’s manual of basic neuropathology. New York: Oxford University Press.

Latest revision: 05-14-2021