Neuropsychology is an applied science concerned with the study of brain-behavior relationships. The neuropsychologist utilizes tests of known reliability and validity to objectively measure the integrity of cerebral functions. Understanding the available test measures in discrete cognitive domains (intelligence, language , perception/construction, learning and memory, executive function) and the proper use of neuropsychological testing should be incorporated into the resident’s daily practice (e.g., mental status examinations, dementia rating scales, geriatric depression scales). This rotation is an elective that is one month in duration and typically taken during the PGY-4 year.
The main goal of the rotation is to acquire an understanding of brain-behavior relationships, the range and diversity of available tests, available test batteries for specific neurological disorders (e.g., multiple sclerosis, stroke, dementia), the proper use of neuropsychological testing, and the different roles of a clinical neuropsychologist. Duties will include accompanying and assisting Dr. Jones and her colleagues in the daily clinical activities of a neuropsychologist including interviewing patients, administering, scoring, and interpreting neuropsychological test and providing feedback to patients, residents, and attending staff. Also addressed will be the use of neuropsychological tests in clinical research.
Objectives and Evaluation Matrix
As with all of the neurology rotations, the specific objectives are reflected in the entrustable professional activities and individual milestones listed below. These form the basis for the end-of-rotation evaluation. (Please see the section End-of-Rotation Evaluations above for the list of milestone abbreviations).
Rotation Objectives | ||
Upon completion of the curriculum, residents will . . . | ||
# | Description | Milestones |
1 | Describe the neuropsychological tests available to assess specific cognitive domains | MK1, MK2 |
2 | Describe the attenuated test batteries available for specific neurological disorders (e.g., MS, stroke, epilepsy) | MK1, MK2 |
3 | Use neuropsychological test results to localize cerebral dysfunction | MK1, MK2 |
4 | Use neuropsychological test results to render a differential diagnosis for neurocognitive disorders | PC3, PC12, MK1, MK2 |
5 | Counsel patients and their families regarding their diagnoses, prognoses, and treatment options | SP3, SP4, PR1, IC1 |
6 | Describe the components of a neuropsychological test report | IC3, IC4 |
7 | Explain the health care system constraints pertinent to neuropsychological evaluation | SP4 |
Residents will attend the neuropsychology clinic daily. They will participate in administering of tests to patients and review results with technicians and staff. If time allows, residents are encouraged to undergo testing themselves during the rotation in order to understand the patient’s perspective of the testing.
Residents will attend all regularly scheduled conferences and didactics.
Work Hours
The estimated average number of work hours per week is 40-50. There is no call responsibility during this rotation.
Suggested References
Lezak, M. D., Howieson, D. B., Bigler, E. D., & Tranel, D. (2012). Neuropsychological assessment. New York: Oxford University Press.
Latest revision: 07-14-2021