Quality Improvement and Patient Safety

All residents are required to participate in quality improvement and patient safety activities. To provide a foundation in these concepts, residents will complete an online GME Quality Improvement (QI) and Patient Safety Curriculum.

Residents are encouraged to spend one block during the PGY-3 year to learn more about QI and patient safety, attend some of the following meetings, and identify and work on their own QI / patient safety projects:

  • Resident Quality and Safety Council
    • Has quality analysts to help with resident projects
  • Nursing / Pharmacy Practice Council
  • Quality Council
  • Patient Safety committee
  • Medication safety committee
  • Infection control
  • Health care Event Evaluation Team (HEET—reviews Patient Safety Net reports)

Each resident will present at least one case at our monthly Systems of Care (M&M) conference and/or will participate in a QI / safety project, which may be presented at one of our departmental research symposia, the annual Wisconsin Neurological Society meeting, or at UW’s Resident Quality Day.

Latest revision: 07-19-2019
Justin A. Sattin, MD