Teaching Responsibilities

Teaching is an essential part of the resident’s duties. Residents are expected to impart basic knowledge on a daily basis to medical students, rotating residents, and more junior residents. All members of a health care team learn from one another in our inter-professional environment, and thus a resident will ultimately teach and learn from their supervising faculty as well from our nursing, pharmacy, and allied health colleagues.

In the clinical environment, teaching will vary by rotation and by resident. Some faculty members require that each resident will give one or more short educational talks during the month. Some faculty will want the senior residents to take an active role in teaching during rounds, while others may want resident teaching to occur outside the realm of formal team rounds. Some residents are comfortable giving didactic talks to others, while some prefer to teach with “pearls” as they are relevant to patient care being provided. We allow for these variations in assessing teaching skill, but do expect that all residents take an active role in teaching.

Residents also educate their colleagues in various conferences, principally Morning Report and Systems of Care conference (our version of M&M). To protect residents’ teaching and conference time during the noon hour, pagers may be dropped off with the program coordinators. Coordinators will answer pages during that hour, asking the caller if the matter is urgent. If urgent, the coordinator will immediately inform the resident. If not urgent, the caller will be informed that the resident is in conference and will address the matter afterwards. The stroke faculty respond to stroke codes during this hour.

Latest revision: 05-10-2019
Justin A. Sattin, MD