
Introduction and Goals

There are circumstances where a resident will need time off during an otherwise scheduled work day. These include medical, dental, and mental health appointments, illness, fatigue, and family emergencies. Our program is committed to the health and welfare of our residents, to ensuring that residents can obtain needed coverage without fear of negative consequences, and to the continuity of patient care when a resident does require clinical coverage. To these ends, we’ve implemented a role called the Jeopardy Resident. The Jeopardy Resident is one who is on an academic elective rotation and is specifically designated to fill in for another resident who needs time off for reasons such as those above.

When not providing jeopardy coverage, this resident is expected to be engaged in scholarly activities, such as preparing for morning report, clinical neuroscience conference, journal club, or grand rounds, or working on research or quality improvement projects.

Objectives and Evaluation Matrix

The specific objectives / entrustable professional activities and individual milestones for the Jeopardy resident are those for the service that they are covering.


Due to the nature of the rotation, a specific schedule is not defined. The Jeopardy resident will either be engaged in scholarly work, or will work according to the schedule of the rotation for which he or she is substituting.

Work Hours

The anticipated number of work hours on this rotation is 40, will vary according to programmatic needs, and in no case will exceed the regulatory maxima.


Suggested reading

Because of the variety of clinical activities this resident may be engaged in, it is expected that the resident’s reading will focus on the finer points of diagnosis and management of the particular patients seen on service.



Last revision: 04-09-2021

Justin A. Sattin, MD