Header Child Neurology

Child Neurology Residency

Child Neurology Resident Neurophysiology Conference Series (Required PGY3-5)

Schedule and Venue

  • 4th Tuesday 12:00 – 01:00 pm


This conference series provides child neurology residents a hands-on learning experience of pediatric neurophysiology. Residents will review case studies and identify key findings in a small group format, as well as gain experience with the technical aspects of neurophysiology studies relevant to pediatric neurology. Conference location will vary between the neurophysiology lab and divisional conference space.


  • To provide comprehensive hands-on and cased based learning in pediatric CNP
  • To gain introductory experience with the technical aspects of EEG, EMG/NCS, etc.
  • To review EEG findings of special patient populations (e.g neonates, ICU patients).

Latest revision: 9/12/2024, Adam Wallace