In effort to provide our child neurology residents ongoing mentorship throughout their course of training, each resident (PGY1-5) will required to have a faculty mentor. The goal is for this faculty member to be a person in whom the resident can seek advice/guidance for subjects like career development, research/quality improvement projects, or practice performance, among others. This role is purely supportive for the resident and meetings will not prompt evaluations. The resident is expected to meet with their mentor on at least a semi-annual basis, if not more often.
During PGY1 and 2, a mentor will be assigned to the resident by the child neurology program (unless the resident has already a specific request for mentor). During PGY3, when the resident becomes more exposed to the pediatric neurology faculty, they will be required to identify a new mentor by their mid-year semiannual evaluation for the remaining years of training. Faculty mentors are expected to be one of the pediatric neurologists. Changing of mentors outside is allowed but should be minimized.
Last reviewed:3/23/2022, Adam Wallace