Header Child Neurology

Child Neurology Residency

Neurosurgery Rotation

Patient Care


  1. Give child neurology resident a basic working knowledge of the surgical management of diseases of the nervous system, which is essential to the neurologist-in-training.  The neurologist must be aware of indications for, limitations of, and possible complications of surgical treatment if they are to make appropriate referrals and counsel their patients wisely.
  2. Give child neurology residents a concentrated patient care experience with exposure to patients with neuro-oncological conditions.
  3. Give the child neurology resident learning opportunities to manage patients with neurological disease who require intensive care.


Residents will:

  1. Develop skills of history-taking and examining patients with neurosurgical diseases.
  1. Develop skill in discussing end-of-life issues with patients with neuro-oncological diseases.
  2. Become proficient in the management of patients with disorders of intracranial pressure.

Medical Knowledge


  1. Develop self-directed learning skills.
  2. Use internet and printed resources including primary and secondary literature, relevant texts and published databases to acquire, critically evaluate, and use current knowledge regarding diagnostic test availability and applicability, natural history, and management of neurosurgical patients.
  3. The resident will develop an adequate knowledge base in neurosurgery.


Residents will:

  1. Attend clinical conferences and didactic sessions.
  2. Read selected works during the rotation.
  3. Learn the neuro-radiographical appearance of neurosurgical trauma and oncology.
  4. Learn the indications for surgical intervention in patients with neurovascular disorders.

Interpersonal and Communication Skills


Communicate effectively and concisely with other health care providers, the patients and the patient’s family.


Residents will:

  1. Prepare concise clinical notes and discharge summaries for patients under his/her care.
  2. Present patient clinical information to faculty and other residents in a concise orderly manner.

Practice-based Learning and Improvement


  1. Demonstrate knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for continuous self-assessment, using scientific methods and evidence to investigate, evaluate, and improve one’s patient care practice.
  2. Identify opportunities for improvement.


Residents will:

  1. Enter all patient encounters into the electronic patient log to be reviewed with the program director at the semi-annual evaluation.
  2. Attend and participate in Neurosurgical Morbidity and Mortality Conference.
  3. Identify personal learning needs, systemically organize relevant information resources for future reference and plan for continuing acquisition of knowledge and skills.
  4. Incorporate evaluation feedback into daily practice.
  5. Read, analyze and critique journal articles.



  1. Demonstrate commitment to carrying out professional responsibilities, adherence to ethical principles, and sensitivity to diversity.
  2. Learn ethical, regulatory, and legal aspects of neurosurgical care, including the difference between standard and investigational treatments.
  3. Demonstrate sensitivity to the personal, cultural, and religious values that influence patients’ and parents’/caregivers’ medical decisions in the context of neurologic disease.
  4. Demonstrate responsiveness to patient needs that supersedes self-interest.
  5. Demonstrate compassion, integrity, accountability and respect in all interactions with patients from diverse backgrounds in gender, age, culture, race, religion, physical and cognitive ability and sexual orientation.
  6. Adhere to ethical principles by respecting confidentiality of medical information.


Residents will:

  1. Promptly attend clinical conferences, clinics and patient care rounds.
  2. Dress in appropriate attire unique to the neurosurgical service and present himself or herself in a professional manner at all times.
  3. Document duty hours, and notify the Neurology Residency Program Director immediately if there are any situations that could put the resident in violation of work hours’ restrictions.
  4. Work collaboratively and cooperatively as a member of a health care team, demonstrating a commitment to professional behavior in interactions with staff and professional colleagues.
  5. Demonstrate reliability, responsibility, and respect for patients and families, including appropriate verbal and nonverbal communication.

Systems-based practice


The resident recognizes that he/she is part of a large and intricate health system that has implications for his/her ability to care for patients and impacts upon his/her patients’ human needs and financial resources.


Residents will:

  1. Learn to function as an integral member of the neurosurgical team.
  2. Understand the limitations of surgical intervention for a variety of neurological issues.