Epilepsy Fellowship
The purpose of this handbook is to provide useful general information for epilepsy fellows, to define responsibilities of the fellow and to improve academic development. The material presented is not inclusive, rather it focuses on how the faculty, fellows and support staff function as a team of professionals dedicated to advancing care for patients with neurological diseases; and work together to train the next generation of epileptologists and other clinicians caring for patients with neurological diseases.
The Epilepsy Fellowship is a one-year learning experience designed to train the physician in the field of epilepsy. The participating institutions include The University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics (UWHC), the William S. Middleton Veterans Administration Hospital (VA) and the American Family Children’s Hospital (AFCH). The responsibilities of the fellow outlined here are applicable to all of these institutions. Although the administration policies of the respective hospitals may be unique, they should not take precedence over the professional duties and assignments of the fellow.