Both in the clinic and on the wards, neurology is very much an interprofessional discipline. Nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech/language pathologists, neuro- and health psychologists, dieticians, respiratory therapists, social workers, and case managers all play crucial roles in our patients’ care. Importantly, optimal patient care depends not just on having members of these various disciplines independently performing their evaluations and treatments, but on actual collaboration among the team members; this is what is meant by the term “interprofessional”. The sine qua non of an interprofessional team is communication; in our program, interprofessional communications occur constantly throughout the workday, and formally occur at the following times:
- Epilepsy interdisciplinary rounds—Friday at 8:30 AM. Neurosurgery, neuroradiology, epilepsy, and neuropsychology discuss complex epilepsy cases and decide on a treatment plan to present to patient.
- Afternoon/weekend sign-out / interdisciplinary rounds—as above.
Latest revision: 05/31/2018