The ACGME requires that fellows participate in quality improvement and patient safety activities. To provide a foundation in these concepts, residents/fellows will complete an online GME Quality Improvement (QI) and Patient Safety Curriculum.
Fellows are encouraged to spend one block to learn more about QI and patient safety, attend some of the following meetings, and identify and work on their own QI / patient safety projects:
- Resident Quality and Safety Council
- Has quality analysts to help with resident projects
- Nursing / Pharmacy Practice Council
- Quality Council
- Patient Safety committee
- Medication safety committee
- Infection control
- Health care Event Evaluation Team (HEET—reviews Patient Safety Net reports)
Each fellow will present at least one case at our monthly Systems of Care (M&M) conference and will complete one QI / safety project, which may be presented at one of our departmental research symposia, the annual Wisconsin Neurological Society meeting, or at UW’s Resident Quality Day.
Latest revision: 6/18/2017, Aaron Struck, MD