Pediatric EEG Consults


The Pediatric Epilepsy Consults rotation combines inpatient and outpatient EEG reading, epilepsy monitoring unit and outpatient clinic experiences in a 1-week block. This is a foundational experience with close daily interactions with the attending and other members of the team including inpatient hospital staff and EEG technicians. Daily EEG readings include routine and continuous monitoring studies, as well as analysis of EMU patient data which may include scalp or intracranial EEGs, integration with imaging data such as fMRI, PET or SPECT, and bedside mapping.  Fellows provide preliminary readings of most EEG studies and review all studies with the attending physicians.

In the Pediatric Epilepsy EMU rotation, reading of continuous EEG studies in patients outside the EMU and intracranial EEG studies is prioritized as described below.

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.


  • The fellow will arrive by 8AM and begin by reading continuous EEG studies, beginning with studies started the previous night and studies with suspected seizures, or invasive EEG studies. The fellow will generate a report for each studies using the pediatric CVEEG template.  The peds Epilepsy Consult attending may read some EEG studies concurrently if there is a high study volume.
  • If the above are completed and time permits, the fellow will then talk with the PEMU attending to see if other EMU studies have yet been read. Unread studies should be reviewed by the fellow as described above (time permitting).
  • When instructed by the Pediatric Epilepsy Consult Attending, the fellow will perform an initial consult for phase 2 or postop epilepsy surgery patients. This activity’s purpose is to better understand epilepsy surgery workup in children; the fellow will not do more than 2 consults weekly.
  • Over the course of the day, the fellow will read and generate reports for pediatric bedside EEGs.
  • Starting at 3PM, the fellow will addend reports for continuing CVEEG studies and will write reports for new CVEEG studies. At 4PM, studies and reports will be reviewed with the Pediatric Epilepsy Consult Attending
  • The fellow will attend any pediatric epilepsy surgery OR cases or functional mapping. These experiences will take precedence over reading EEGs or attending clinic.
  • Pediatric Epilepsy Fellows will attend their continuity clinic Wednesday afternoons and will be freed from EEG reading responsibilities.
  • Adult Epilepsy Fellows will attend complex epilepsy clinic with one of the pediatric epileptologists one afternoon weekly (they will be provided a schedule before the start of a two-week block).  In clinic the fellow will independently see new patients, formulate an assessment and management plan, and staff with the attending epileptologist.  It is up to the attending whether the fellow will independently see return patients.  The fellow will not be responsible for reading EEGs the afternoon they attend clinic.

Exceptions to the above expectations may be made with the Peds EMU and Consult attendings to maximize the fellow’s educational experience.


  • The fellow will learn to recognize and provide appropriate treatment for various pediatric epilepsy syndromes and the treatment of status epilepticus.
  • The fellow will understand the basic principles of EEG from electrode placement, amplifiers, and digital signal processing. The fellow will be able to determine common EEG artifact, benign variants, normal background patterns in awake, drowsy, sleep in neonatal to pediatrics.
  • The fellow will be diligent and thorough in hand-offs. He/she will maintain a professional demeanor during all interpersonal communications. His/her communications with treating providers will be effective regarding EEG findings and interpretation of these findings within the clinical context of patient. Reports will be timely.
  • The fellow will be involved in improving the quality of the care of epilepsy patients and others with critical neurological illness through QI projects, scholarly activities, and/or participation in weekly multi-disciplinary EEG/epilepsy conferences which include peer-review and practice improvement.
  • The fellow recognizes that he/she is part of a treatment team and participates within the treatment group effectively. The treatment groups include neurology/neurocritical care, neuroradiology, neurosurgery, and EEG technologists.

Objectives and Evaluation Matrix

Pediatric Epilepsy (EEG Consults) Rotation Objectives

Upon completion of the curriculum, fellows will…

#New EPA DescriptionMilestones
1Obtain a history and classify events and epilepsy syndromes for pediatric and neonatesPC1, PC2,PC6, MK1, MK2, MK3, PL1
2Develop pediatric patients’ treatment plans in the inpatient and outpatient settings

PC3, PL1, MK2, SP3, IC1

3Counsel patients, both inpatient and outpatient, with seizures and nonepileptic events regarding study results

PC3, PC7, MK3, IC1, IC3

4Evaluate patients in the EMU and develop management plansPC1, PC2, SP3, SP4, IC5
5Interpret pediatric and neonatal EEGs: recognize artifacts, normal variants, and epileptiform patterns

PC7, MK1

6Interpret EMU studies and develop individualized treatment plansPC3, PC7, MK1,MK2, MK3, SP3, SP4, IC5
7Interpret emergent EEG and cEEG studies, and recommend treatment plans for the treating teamPC5, PC7, MK1,MK2, MK3, SP3, SP4, IC4, IC5
Additional Milestones
PC6, SP4, PL1, PL2, PR1, PR2, PR3, IC2



For all weeks of Pediatric epilepsy, the below schedule is modified such that Pediatric Epilepsy fellows attends Wednesday afternoon continuity clinic, while Adult Epilepsy Fellows will attend 1 afternoon of clinic weekly (schedule provided at start of 2 week block).


Name of shift/clinic/conf.
Monday – AMcVEEG and invasive EEG reads, +/- PEMU reads
Monday – PMEpi surgery consults, bedside EEGs, PM cVEEG read
Tuesday – AMcVEEG and invasive EEG reads, +/- PEMU reads
Tuesday – PMEpi surgery consults, bedside EEGs, PM cVEEG read
Wednesday – AMcVEEG and invasive EEG reads, +/- PEMU reads
Wednesday – PMEpi surgery consults, bedside EEGs, PM cVEEG read
Thursday – AMcVEEG and invasive EEG reads, +/- PEMU reads
Thursday – PMEpi surgery consults, bedside EEGs, PM cVEEG read
Friday – AMcVEEG and invasive EEG reads, +/- PEMU reads
Friday – PMEpi surgery consults, bedside EEGs, PM cVEEG read


Attend pediatrics epilepsy conference (Thursday at noon) and all other required conferences.

Work Hours


Latest revision: 06/10/2024, Aaron Struck, MD and Andrew Knox, MD