The overall goal of our training program is to develop superb neuromuscular clinicians ensuring that our graduates have demonstrated competency in the six core areas as designated by the ACGME. It is the goal of our program to develop life-long self-evaluation and self-improvement skill. To accomplish these goals, the fellow’s progress toward competency throughout their year of training will be evaluated both by faculty, program director, and by the fellow. At the time of each 6-month evaluation with the program director and the fellow will formulate an action plan to move towards competency and proficiency in the following areas.
Patient Care
- Consistently obtain a history that includes patient reported outcomes and identifies a neuromuscular condition within a complicated medical history
- Consistently perform a nuanced examination that identifies subtle findings and patterns sufficient to evaluate and narrow the diagnostic evaluation for uncommon neuromuscular disorders
- Considers clinical trials for patient management
- Independently adapt interventions for symptoms and complications associated with neuromuscular disorders based on patient response
- Integrates recommendations for patient needs for a full range of assistive technologies based on impairments, considering barriers, contraindications, comorbidities, and input from other professionals
- Performs and interprets uncommon motor and sensory nerve conduction studies, including cranial nerve testing (e.g., blink reflex, facial nerve)
- Recognizes performance quality and inconsistencies of nerve conduction studies
- Performs EMG of cranial nerve innervated muscles (e.g., tongue)
- Proactively organizes and efficiently completes procedure to optimize diagnostic yield in challenging or high-risk patients
- Interprets uncommon EMG findings and patterns of unique disorders and modifies the study accordingly
- Diagnoses atypical anterior horn cell disorders, including within the context of other neurodegenerative conditions
- Continuously evaluates accuracy of anterior horn cell diagnosis
- Independently manages common anterior horn cell disorders and complications with the interdisciplinary team, as needed
- Continuously evaluates the accuracy of the diagnosis of nerve root, plexus, and peripheral nerve disorders
- Relates the results of special diagnostic testing (e.g., nerve biopsy) to the context of the clinical presentation
- Independently manages common nerve root, plexus, and peripheral nerve disorders and complications with the interdisciplinary team as needed
- Distinguishes worsening of neuromuscular junction disorders from complications of treatment or new disorders
- Recognizes when genetic testing is indicated (e.g., congenital myasthenic syndromes)
- Manages patients with refractory neuromuscular junction disorders
- Distinguishes worsening of myopathies from complications of treatment or new disorders
- Discusses the implications of variants of uncertain significance on genetic testing and interprets in the context of the clinical presentation
- Manages patients with uncommon myopathies, including genetic counseling and goals of care for those with inherited myopathies
- Uses the EHR to communicate complex care plans with patients and other providers
- Uses telehealth visits for complex patient management
Medical knowledge
- Efficiently and accurately localizes neuromuscular lesions, including focal and multifocal peripheral nerve lesions and generalized neuromuscular and autonomic disorders
- Recognizes anatomic variants (e.g., prefixed plexus, Riche-Cannieu anastomosis)
- Continuously reconsiders diagnostic possibilities in response to new clinical information
- Demonstrates sophisticated and detailed knowledge of neuromuscular disorders
- Continuously reconsiders diagnostic possibilities in response to new clinical information
- Reconciles conflicting data from diagnostic tests and the clinical presentation; efficiently provides genetic testing suited to the clinical situation (e.g., single gene versus panel testing versus whole exome sequencing)
- Recognizes uncommon pathologic findings in nerve and muscle preparations
Interpersonal and Communication Skills
- Easily establishes effective patient physician relationships, with attention to the patient’s/patient’s family’s concerns and context, regardless of complexity
- Uses shared decision making to align the patient’s/patient’s family’s values, goals, and preferences with treatment options
- Recognizes personal biases and proactively mitigates barriers to optimize patient care
- Integrates recommendations from different members of the health care team to optimize patient care
- Solicits and communicates feedback to other members of the health care team
- Prevents and mediates conflict and distress among interdisciplinary team members
- Demonstrates concise, organized written and verbal communication, including anticipatory guidance
- Provides a detailed report of common and uncommon nerve conduction findings and cranial nerve testing
- Demonstrates clear, concise communication with referring providers for continuity of care
- Intervenes to prevent professionalism lapses in oneself and others
- Recognizes and uses appropriate resources for managing and resolving ethical dilemmas as needed
- Recognizes situations in which one’s own behavior may impact others’ ability to complete tasks and responsibilities in a timely manner
- Independently develops a strategy to optimize personal and professional well-being
- Show respect, compassion, integrity and ongoing professional development
- Verbalize ethical principles with adherence to confidentiality, HIPAA principles, and appropriate informed consent
- Determine psychosocial issues that complicate care.
- Be punctual and appropriately attired
- Keep patient logs up-to-date
Practice-Based Learning and Improvement
- Critically appraises and applies evidence, even in the face of uncertainty, and interprets conflicting evidence to guide care tailored to the individual patient
- Seeks performance data consistently
- Challenges assumptions and considers alternatives in narrowing the gap(s) between expectations and actual performance
- Uses performance data to measure the effectiveness of the learning plan, and, when necessary, improves it
Systems Based Practice
- Conducts analysis of patient safety events and offers error prevention strategies
- Discloses patient safety events to patients and patients’ families
- Demonstrates the skills required to identify, develop, implement, and analyze a quality improvement project
- Role models effective coordination of patient centered care among different disciplines and specialties
- Role models safe and effective transitions of care/hand-offs within and across health care delivery systems, including outpatient settings
- Adapts approach to patient care to provide for the needs of specific populations
- Implements social and behavioral changes for patients and patients’ families that improve health, such as exercise and diet
- Leads teams to provide efficient and effective patient care by managing components of the complex health care system while advocating for systems changes that address inequities
- Uses available resources to promote optimal patient care (e.g., community resources, patient assistance resources) considering each patient’s payment model
- Implements changes in individual practice patterns in response to professional requirements and in preparation for practice
Clinical Training Objectives
- Competence in the indications and interpretation of neurophysiology studies and their application to improve care of patients with neurological disease (Patient Care);
- A rich knowledge base in both clinical and basic neuroscience, as well as the fundamentals of neuromuscular medicine (Medical Knowledge);
- Competence in obtaining an appropriate medical history (including sensitive issues such as sexual history) in a professional and humane manner (Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Professionalism);
- Competence in communicating diagnosis and treatment plans, and competence in communicating potentially sensitive information (Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Professionalism);
- Competence in communicating succinctly and clearly with other healthcare professionals, with a proper respect for the principles of HIPAA regulations (Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Professionalism);
- Skill in self-assessment and self-improvement (Practice-Based Learning and Improvement);
- Skill in practice assessment, as well as both practice- and systems improvement, to enhance quality of care and improve patient safety (Practice-Based Learning and Improvement, Systems-Based Practice).
Specific Academic/Research Goals
At the end of the training program, the fellow will have developed:
- A scholarly approach to the practice of neuromuscular medicine, including the incorporation of evidence-based medicine into clinical decision-making (Practice Based Learning and Improvement);
- Basic knowledge of clinical trial design and statistical testing, as well as the ability to utilize this knowledge for critical interpretation of medical literature (Medical Knowledge, Practice-Based Learning and Improvement);
- First-hand experience at the process of clinical research, ideally via participation in a clinical or translational research project (or even by assisting with patient enrollment into an ongoing project), or quality improvement. (Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Professionalism, Practice-Based Learning and Improvement); and
- First-hand experience at the process of data presentation and peer-review, ideally via submission of one abstract or manuscript during the course of training (Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Medical Knowledge, Professionalism).
Suggested Readings
1.. Electromyography and Neuromuscular Disorders: Clinical-Electrophysiologic-Ultrasound Correlations; 4th ed; Preston and Shapiro; Elsevier
- Ultrasound Evaluation of Peripheral Nerves and Focal Neuropathies; 2nd ed; Strakowski; Springer
- Neuromuscular Disorders; 2nd ed; Amato and Russell; McGraw Hill
Last Revision: 12/4/2023 Michael Hansen MD