The Department of Neurology offers courses and training experiences for undergraduates, medical students, and graduate students.
Neurology 676-699: Directed Study in Neuroscience Research
Supervised research opportunities in neurology labs for undergraduate students.
- Complete the attached form. Then have your mentor sign it and initial by the number of credits you are taking.
- Return the form to Olivia Lefevre
- Once you have authorization (permission) to enroll, add the directed study course to your schedule using Course Search and Enroll by the enrollment deadline.
View the Course Search and Enroll for other Neurology Department course listings.
Faculty Research
Faculty members and staff in the Department of Neurology at the University of Wisconsin are conducting basic and clinical research programs within the neurosciences.
The department is committed to the translation of basic research findings to the clinical domain and actively encourages and facilitates interactions and collaborations between clinicians and basic scientists both within the department and in other departments and schools.
Research activities are funded by government, foundation, private donor and industry sponsors. Research programs are an integral part of the department’s mission and play a central role in its activities.
Basic science research is focused in computational neuroscience physical theory, epileptogenesis, neuropsychology, plasticity, biology of neural stem cells and embryonic stem cells and neural differentiation.
Undergraduate Program Affiliations:
Graduate Program Affiliations:
- The Neuroscience Training Program
- Medical Scientist Training Program
- Cellular & Molecular Biology
- Molecular & Cellular Pharmacology
Postdoctoral Training
The Deparment of Neurology offers clinical training, as well as opportunities to work with faculty in our research labs.