Vascular Neurology Fellowship

Vascular Neurology Fellowship

Program Aims and Values Statement

Mission Statement

The mission of the UW Vascular Neurology fellowship is to develop the skills and clinical acumen of the next generations of vascular neurologists. Our training mission falls within the larger departmental and institutional missions to advance the health of the people of Wisconsin and beyond through excellent patient-centered care, health equity and advocacy, and through basic and clinical neuroscience research.

Program Aims

The UW Vascular Neurology Fellowship aims to:

  1. Train residents to become clinically adept vascular neurologists
    • Pass AAN Stroke Self-Assessment
    • Board Pass Rate > 90%
  2. Instill habits of professionalism and lifelong learning
    • Complete a research or QI project
    • Attend a professional conference
    • Attend at least 50% of Neurology Grand Rounds offered
  3. Prepare fellows for clinical or academic careers per their own preferences
    • Post-graduation survey
      • Practice type
      • Preparedness
  4. Develop a pipeline of neurologists for UW and the state of Wisconsin
    • Fill faculty positions from within the fellowship

Values Statement

Patient-centered care is the hallmark of this fellowship program.  It is the responsibility of every team member to provide patients with compassion and professionalism while adhering to science-based practices and guidelines.

This program recognizes the importance of clinician-educators and the need for fellows, as they advance in their level of training, to make educating residents and others a core aspect of their year.  Teaching, both in the didactic setting and more informally on rounds and clinic, is a cornerstone of the transition from supervised to independent practice.

Our program emphasizes a team approach with close interaction among attending physicians, fellows, residents, and other health care professionals. We highly value our culture of safety, wherein anyone can feel free to ask questions, make suggestions, or raise concerns without fear of reprisal.


Latest revision: 09/17/2021
Jamie Elliott, MD