Vascular Neurology Fellowship



The fellow will attend the stroke clinic one half-day per week alternating between UW and VA, under the supervision of a faculty vascular neurologist. This clinic has a mix of new and return patients. The fellow must clearly communicate to applicable faculty and trainees that they will be unavailable for other clinical duties during these clinics, and immediately report any potential conflicts to the program director to resolve.


The goal of the continuity clinics is for fellows to learn to provide longitudinal care to stroke patients.

Objectives and Evaluation Matrix

As with all of the individual neurology rotations described in this section, the specific objectives of the continuity clinic are reflected in the entrustable professional activities and individual milestones. These form the basis for the fellow’s evaluation, which is completed by his or her clinic attending twice each year.

Stroke Clinic


As above, these clinics alternate between the UW and VA, on an afternoon that will be determined according to clinic space needs.

If a clinic must be cancelled for a vacation, professional conference, etc., then this must be requested at least 60 days in advance. This allows the department to review the request internally and still comply with the UW and VA hospitals’ policies, which require 45 days’ notice.

If the fellow cannot attend clinic on short notice (<24 hrs, due to illness or for other reasons) it is their responsibility to notify the clinic attending via phone or pager.

Latest revision: 08/07/2023 Jamie Elliott, MD, PhD